An interview from the German Tool and Mold Making Association with company founder Markus Kern
The interview with Markus Kern from the series "Speakers' Corner: Damocles sword spindle failure". Published in the magazine of the Association of German Tool and Mold Makers, VDWF im Dialog, issue 4/2017, page 46
"There are black sheep, but you can recognize them too!
Our company was founded in 2000 and I have been in the business since 1989. I can therefore say that I am one of the longest-serving companies on the market when it comes to spindle repair experience. So I know that there are many black sheep. It is important for me to say to the many milling and tool companies: there are also white ones! As a toolmaker, I have been working with spindles for over 25 years. My own company specializes in the complete repair of spindles of all makes and manufacturers. Before that, I received years of systematic training in spindle technology from the Swiss spindle manufacturer Fischer. I then brought all my knowledge into our full-service company. Today, my 30-strong team, which consists of mechanics, pure toolmakers and mechanical engineers, repairs around 1000 spindles per year - and the trend is rising rapidly. Our more than 3000 customers include many large international corporations, with whom we have mostly agreed long-term maintenance contracts and also jointly develop preventive maintenance concepts for spindles for a wide variety of applications. In some cases, spindles repaired by us are even more precise and durable than new products directly from the manufacturer. This has been repeatedly confirmed by some of our customers. In the long term, around half of the repairs can be saved! However, this also requires good advice based on experience and failure analyses.
Unfortunately, such framework agreements are not common in tool and mold making. This is because toolmakers do not usually have replacement spindles. If something happens, it has to be done quickly. With our "Express Service", we offer top-quality repairs including a test run in five to seven days - no matter what is broken! As a certified company, however, we follow a very precise procedure: we only provide a cost estimate once the spindle has been dismantled. I vehemently advise against companies that offer all-inclusive quotes - without having looked at the spindle in advance. The same goes for "vague" offers. This is because such offers often do not include the service that is claimed.
Another of our offers concerns replacement spindles: Here, too, we remain absolutely serious. We make agreements with our customers. They buy the replacement spindle - so they know what they have - and we help finance it."
Markus Kern
Managing Director Kern Spindel Full Service, Burladingen
Read the full article from the series "Speakers' Corner: Damocles sword spindle failure" in the magazine of the German Tool and Die Makers' Association: VDWF im Dialog 4/2017, page 46
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